About the Program
SmartBrans is offering comprehensive training for building and implementing Service-oriented Architecture with Java Enterprise Edition (JEE). As part of the training, you will be working on both fundamental and advanced concepts in Java including Java array, Java database connectivity, Java servlets, exception handling, XML handling, and others through hands-on projects and case studies.
Learning objective
By the end of the course, you’ll be able to:
- In-depth study of the OOP concept
- Java programming with classes and objects
- Working with XML files
- Communicating with the database through JDBC
- Java conditions, data types, and loops
- Service-oriented Architecture with web service
Program Highlights

About The Course

Course Modules
- Java Fundamentals
- Introduction to Java basics, the various components of Java language, data types, operations, compilation process, class files, loops, conditions, benefits of Java over other programming languages.
- Object-oriented programming
- What is object-oriented programming, the concept of abstraction, attributes, methods, constructors, inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism?
- Java Collections
- Writing codes in Java, using wrapper classes, applet program UI programs, using io.lang package and deep dive into Java Collections including Vector, ArrayList, TreeSet, HashMap.
- Java Packages
- What is a Java package, Java interfaces, the various access specifiers, scope specifiers, exception handling in Java, introduction to multi-threading in Java, extending the thread class, synchronizing the thread?
- Introduction to XML
- The fundamentals of Extensible Markup Language, its uses in storing and transferring data, writing an XML file, making sense of the XML file using DOM and SAX parsers in Java.
- Java Database Connectivity
- Introduction to Java Database Connectivity, fundamentals of SQL like connect, select, insert, update, the various drivers of JDBC, writing a program to communicate with the database using JDBC, the architecture of JDBC, how to do a batch processing transaction.
- Java Servlets
- What is a Java Servlet, extending the capability of the web server, dynamic Java web content technology, the HTTP and generic Servlets, session tracking and filter, forward and include Servlet request dispatchers?
- Java Server Page
- Fundamentals of Java Server Page, writing a code using JSP, the architecture of JSP, declarative, expression and scripts tags, JSP and JDBC.
- Spring and Hibernate Frameworks
- Database interaction with Hibernate, various operations in databases like insert, delete, update, collections and inheritance, HQL, Hibernate caching, creating code with the Spring framework, auto wiring, and dependency injection, Spring bean scope, and post-processor, integration of Spring with Hibernate framework.
- Advanced Spring and AJAX
- Spring framework Aspect Oriented Programming, database commit and rollback operations, AJAX framework for interacting with the server, design patterns in Java Enterprise Edition.
- Service Oriented Architecture
- The fundamentals of Service Oriented Architecture, the importance of SOA, how SOA is independent of vendor, technology, product, deploying SOA with web services, XML, Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration(UDDI) and Web Services Description Language (WSDL).
Course Certificates
SmartBrains is associated with The National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) as the Training and Certification partner for various job oriented training programs across various sectors including Oil & Gas, Power, Renewable Energy, Hydrocarbon, IT & ITs, Electronics, Telecom, Agriculture, Life science etc. offering assessment based Training & certifications for a gamut of job profile.
Who should join?
- Working professionals in Domains: Software Development, Database, Admin, Web developers, Software Tester & Analyst.
- Students (Computer Science Engineering & Diploma in Computer Science Engineering) who want to develop their career in Software development, database, Web Developer, Software Tester & Analyst.
For Corporate queries
A-25, Sector-59, Noida (UP),India
Pin Code-201301
Connect with Program Advisor
+91 8955560560 | +91 9891108700
Nodal Centers
Noida, Dehradun
Guwahati, Pune
Course Features
- Lecture 0
- Quiz 0
- Duration 50 hours
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 0
- Assessments Yes