About the Program
The objective of this Workshop is to provide the candidates the Detail knowledge of Teamwork – Building and Leading Effective Teams to facilitates faster learning curves while on the job.
This course reviews the characteristics of successful teams, and how you can better build and lead them. These can be special project teams or longer standing work teams. While the principles are applicable in any team environment, the course is written from an engineering perspective.
Learning objective
- Describe keys to team success;
- Identify types of teams;
- Identify the type of team in which you are most involved;
- Apply strategies to establish effective teams;
- Describe essential contents of a team charter;
- Develop a team charter for a recent or current team;
- Distinguish a mission and vision statement;
- Define team roles and responsibilities;
- Identify key team leader responsibilities and attributes;
- List leadership styles and describe the most effective style;
- Determine your strengths and weaknesses as a team leader;
- Apply strategies to lead effective team meetings;
- Develop team meeting agendas;
- Facilitate effective team discussions;
- Lead brainstorming sessions;
- Communicate for maximum results;
- Reflect on team common values;
- Describe principles of managing change;
- Define Operational Excellence and compare to MBO;
- List tools and methods to solve problems or make improvements;
- Identify positive team behaviors;
- Identify typical root causes of conflict;
- Apply team conflict resolution techniques and apply effective feedback;
- Identify potential sources of conflict on a recent or current team;
- Describe typical phases of a team;
- Lead teams through the phases;
- Differentiate rewards versus recognition
- Apply techniques to resolve common team challenges.
Program Highlights

About The Course

Course Modules
- Keys to Team Success
- Types of Teams
- Establishing Teams
- Team Charter
- Team Roles and Responsibilities
- Exercise 1: Rank yourself as a team leader
- Exercise 2: Develop a team charter
- Meetings
- Communication
- Values
- Managing Change
- Operational Excellence
- Solving Problems or Making Improvements
- Positive Team Behaviors
- Resolving Conflict
- The Phases of a Team
- Rewards and Recognition
Course Certificates
SmartBrains is associated with The National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) as the Training and Certification partner for various job oriented training programs across various sectors including Oil & Gas, Power, Renewable Energy, Hydrocarbon, IT & ITs, Electronics, Telecom, Agriculture, Life science, etc. offering assessment based Training & certifications for a gamut of job profile.
Who should join?
- Working professionals in Domains: Engineering, Project Management, & Executives.
- Students ( Engineering, MBA, MCA & Diploma ) who want to develop their career.
For Corporate queries
A-25, Sector-59, Noida (UP),India
Pin Code-201301
Connect with Program Advisor
+91 8955560560 | +91 9891108700
Nodal Centers
Noida, Dehradun
Guwahati, Pune
Course Features
- Lecture 0
- Quiz 0
- Duration 12 hours
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 0
- Assessments Yes